Fiori verderame su sfondo nero
(Copper-green flowers on a black background)
Ossidazione su vernice al rame e olio su tela, 40 x 30 cm, 2024. Disponibile.
Oxidation on copper paint and oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm, 2024. Available.
Testo di Luca Deias (ITA) L’opera riprende l’idea degli "Oxidation Painting" (piss painting) di Andy Warhol. Prevosto, su questa scia, fa uso della patina invecchiante di rame, per giocare con le ossidazioni del colore e con la pittura a olio. I fiori verderame protagonisti dell’opera sembrano vivi: non solo risultano in posa, ma si intersecano fino a compenetrarsi a vicenda. |
Text by Luca Deias (ENG) The work takes up the idea of Andy Warhol's "Oxidation Paintings" (piss painting). Prevosto, in this vein, makes use of the ageing copper patina to play with the oxidation of colour and oil paint. The copper-green flowers that are the protagonists of the work seem alive: they are not only posed, but intersect until they interpenetrate each other. |
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all the contents of this site are for free consultation, is forbidden the unauthorized reproduction and propagation